iReward REST API

Endpoint URL

All request should be sent to

Request Pattern

Node List

GET /{node} HTTP/1.1

Return a list of node data.

Sample Request

GET /hotel HTTP/1.1

Node Data

GET /{node}/{node_id} HTTP/1.1

Return data set of the node.

Sample Request

GET /hotel/102 HTTP/1.1

Node Feature

GET /{node}/{node_id}/{feature} HTTP/1.1

Return information of a child node.

Sample Request

GET /hotel/103/promotion HTTP/1.1

Ouput Options

fields : field set for output data, seperated by comma.

format : format of output data, could be JSON or XML, default to JSON.

Sample Request

GET /hotel/102/?fields=id,name,logo&format=xml HTTP/1.1

Error Exception

Exception should be returned on unvalid request or runtime error


    "error": {
        "code": "301",
        "message": "Unvalid node request"


GET ### HTTP/1.1

  • /hotel/
  • /hotel/{hotel_id}
  • /hotel/{hotel_id}/promotion
  • /hotel/{hotel_id}/product
  • /member/{member_id}
  • /member/{member_id}/reward
  • /member/{member_id}/redeem
  • /member/{member_id}/voucher
  • /member/{member_id}/reservation
  • /promotion/{promotion_id}
  • /product/{product_id}
  • /reward/{reward_id}
  • /redeem/{redeem_id}
  • /voucher/{voucher_id}
  • /reservation/{reservation_id}


  • /auth
  • /auth/facebook
  • /auth/twitter
  • /member/{member_id}/connect
  • /member/{member_id}/subscription


Hotel List


GET /hotel/ HTTP/1.1

Sample response

{"data": [
        "id": 102,
        "name": "Rex Preferred Guest",
        "logo": ""
        "id": 103,
        "name": "Caravelle Book & Win",
        "logo": ""
        "id": 104,
        "name": "Centara 1 Card",
        "logo": ""

Hotel Information


GET /hotel/{hotel_id} HTTP/1.1

Example Request

GET /hotel/103 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "id": "103",
    "name": "Cavarel Book & Win",
    "logo": "",
    "default_view": "dashboard",
    "menu": [
            "name": "dashboard",
            "title": "Dashboard"
            "name": "promotion",
            "title": "Explore"
            "name": "voucher",
            "title": "Voucher Wallet"


Retrieve promotion list of a hotel

GET /hotel/{hotel_id}/promotion HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /hotel/101/promotion HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [
            "id": "401",
            "name": "Sassy promotion name",
            "start_date": "2014-09-15",
            "end_date": "2014-10-20",
            "photo": ""
            "id": "402",
            "name": "Sassy promotion name",
            "start_date": "2014-09-15",
            "end_date": "2014-10-20",
            "photo": ""
            "id": "403",
            "name": "Sassy promotion name",
            "start_date": "2014-09-15",
            "end_date": "2014-10-20",
            "photo": ""

Retrive detail information of a promotion

GET /promotion/{promotion_id} HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /promotion/401 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

        "id": "403",
        "name": "Sassy promotion name",
        "start_date": "2014-09-15",
        "end_date": "2014-10-20",
        "photo": "",
        "description": "This is a sample desciption of sassy promotion"

Redeem product

Retrive product list of a hotel

GET /hotel/{hotel_id}/product HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /hotel/101/product HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [
            "id": "801"
            "name": "Sassy product name",
            "photo": ""
            "point": "250"
            "id": "802"
            "name": "Sassy product name",
            "photo": ""
            "point": "250"
            "id": "803"
            "name": "Sassy product name",
            "photo": ""
            "point": "250"

Detail information of a product

GET /product/{product_id} HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /product/801 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "id": "803"
    "name": "Sassy product name",
    "photo": ""
    "point": "250",
    "remain": "100"


Member Information

GET /member/{member_id} HTTP/1.1

Sample Request

GET /member/202 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "id": "202",
    "name": " Jonh H. Smith",
    "first_name": "Joth",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "birthday": "1988-02-10",
    "addresss": "Lorencia Road",
    "city": "Noria City",
    "country": "US",
    "email": ""
    "connect": [
            "name": "facebook",
            "id": "123456"
            "name": "twitter",
            "id": "987654"
    "subscription": [

Update Member Information


POST /member/{member_id} HTTP/1.1


Parameter Description Type
name Name on card string
birthday Member's birhday date

Sample request

POST /member/202 HTTP/1.1

name: Tiep Nguyen
birthday: 1988-12-30

Sample response

    "result": "success"

Change member email

POST /member/{member_id}/auth HTTP/1.1

email: {new email}

Change member password

POST /member/{member_id}/auth HTTP/1.1

old_password: {old password}
password: {new password}


Reward list of a member

GET /member/{member_id}/reward HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /member/202/reward HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [
            "id": "301",
            "point": "90",
            "update_time": "2014-09-30 06:30:00 GMT+7"
            "id": "302",
            "point": "90",
            "update_time": "2014-09-30 06:30:00 GMT+7"
            "id": "303",
            "point": "90",
            "update_time": "2014-09-30 06:30:00 GMT+7"

Retrieve detail information of a reward

GET /reward/{reward_id} HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /reward/301 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "id": "303",
    "point": "90",
    "update_time": "2014-09-30 06:30:00 GMT+7",
    "arrival_date": "2014-08-14",
    "deprature_date": "2014-08-19",
    "guest_name": "Joth Smith"


Redeem list of a member

GET /member/{member_id}/redeem HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /member/201/redeem HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [
            "id": "501",
            "point": "250",
            "update_time": "2014-09-20 12:45:00 GMT+8"
            "id": "502",
            "point": "250",
            "update_time": "2014-09-20 12:45:00 GMT+8"
            "id": "503",
            "point": "250",
            "update_time": "2014-09-20 12:45:00 GMT+8"

Detail information of a redeem

GET /redeem/{redeem_id} HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /redeem/501 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "id": "501",
    "point": "250",
    "product": "Sassy product name",
    "quantity": "1",
    "update_time": "2014-09-20 12:45:00 GMT+8"


Voucher list of a member

GET /member/{member_id}/voucher HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /member/201/voucher HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [
            "id": "601",
            "name": "Sassy voucher name",
            "photo": "http://beta/",
            "value": "50% Off"
            "id": "602",
            "name": "Sassy voucher name",
            "photo": "http://beta/",
            "value": "50% Off"
            "id": "603",
            "name": "Sassy voucher name",
            "photo": "http://beta/",
            "value": "50% Off"

Redeem a voucher

POST /voucher/{voucher_id} HTTP/1.1

action: redeem
code: {redemption_code}

Detail information of a voucher

GET /voucher/{voucher_id} HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /voucher/601 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "id": "603",
    "name": "Sassy voucher name",
    "photo": "http://beta/",
    "value": "50% Off",
    "code": "IBE3456",
    "expiry": "2014-10-30 00:00:00 GMT+8"


Retrieve reservation list of a member

GET /member/{member_id}/reservation HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /member/201/reservation HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [
            "id": "701",
            "code": "IBE3456",
            "name": "Mr John Smith",
            "arrival_date": "2014-09-12",
            "departure_date": "2014-09-20"
            "id": "702",
            "code": "IBE3456",
            "name": "Mr John Smith",
            "arrival_date": "2014-09-12",
            "departure_date": "2014-09-20"
            "id": "703",
            "code": "IBE3456",
            "name": "Mr John Smith",
            "arrival_date": "2014-09-12",
            "departure_date": "2014-09-20"

Detail information of a reservation

GET /reservation/{reservation_id} HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /reservation/701 HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "id": "703",
    "code": "IBE3456",
    "name": "Mr John Smith",
    "arrival_date": "2014-09-12",
    "departure_date": "2014-09-20",
    "rooms": "1",
    "persons": "2",
    "spent": "$134"


Member login via email and password

POST /auth HTTP/1.1

username: {email address}
password: {password}

Sample request

POST /auth HTTP/1.1

password: 123456

Sample response

    "result": "success",
    "client_token": "1234567890"

Sample negative response

    "result": "fail",
    "error": {
        "code": "001",
        "message": "Wrong user or password"

Member connect via facebook account

POST /auth/facebook HTTP/1.1

access_token: {facebook access token}

Member connect via twitter account

POST /auth/twitter HTTP/1.1

access_token: {twitter access token}

Social connect

Social connect list of a member

GET /member/{member_id}/connect HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /member/201/connect HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [
            "name": "facebook",
            "id": "123456789"
            "name": "twitter",
            "id": "123456789"

Add social connect to a member

POST /member/{member_id}/connect HTTP/1.1

name: {social name}
id: {social_id}

Sample request

POST /member/201/connect HTTP/1.1

name: facebook
id: 1234567890

Sample response

    "result": "success"

sample negative response

    "result": "fail",
    "error": {
        "code": "002",
        "message": "Invalid facebook access token"

Remove a social connect of a member

DELETE /member/{member_id}/connect/{connection}

or alternative method for clients that does not support DELETE method

POST /member/{member_id}/connect/{connection} HTTP/1.1

method: delete


Retrive subscription list of a member

GET /member/{member_id}/subscription HTTP/1.1

Sample request

GET /member/201/subscription HTTP/1.1

Sample response

    "data": [

Update a subscription of a member

POST /member/{member_id}/subscription HTTP/1.1

{subscription}: {true/false}

Sample request

POST /member/{member_id}/subscription HTTP/1.1

monthly_report: true

Sample response

    "result": "success"

Signin / Signup via Social Networks

POST /connect/{social_name} HTTP/1.1

access_token: {access_token}


POST /connect/facebook HTTP/1.1

access_token: 123456


    "client_token: "123456abcdft"

Error message

    "error": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": "Invalid facebook access token"